ARTICLES BY DONALD S. WOLFE, M.A. How To Become A Non-Smoker Quickly, Easily, and Permanently I've helped people become non-smokers for over 16 years. During this time I have heard every excuse imaginable as to why they are not yet ready to quit. The truth is that 99% of the smokers in the world are never quite ready to stop smoking. They know that they should stop. Ought to stop, have to stop, must stop, but few smokers really want to stop. If they could keep smoking without the health problem, the financial impact, the social pressure and the guilt, they would smoke to their grave. Why? Because smoking is a unique pleasure known only to one who savors the flavor of tobacco. Herein lies one of the major reasons that so many stop-smoking programs fail. If you take away an action from the subconscious mind without replacing that action with something that satisfies the underlying need as well as the original action, then in times of need the subconscious mind will revert to the original program. Most smokers give up the cigarettes without creating affective actions that fulfill the needs that cigarettes satisfy. This is why smokers often gain weight when they stop smoking. They replace the pleasure of smoking with the pleasure of eating. This makes sense only if you want to gain weight. I designed a Stop Smoking system called "No More Butts!!" I designed this program based on the premise that most smokers aren't ready to stop because they don't know hot to do it successfully, and they have preconceived notions of how it's going to be. Giving up cigarettes is like giving up a good friend. As a smoker, you know the cigarettes are there through thick and thin. The nicotine is not the main element of the addiction. Nicotine is eliminated from your system with 72 hours of your last cigarette. Your body no longer craves it after that. It's the emotional addiction that makes it so hard to quit. Becoming a non-smoker is not a behavior change, it's a personality change. In order to be truly free of cigarettes you must learn to live your life as a different person. Herein lies the secret. If I told you that you must move out of your house tomorrow, you would probably experience high stress. But if I said you can move to a much nicer house, for much less than you're paying, in a better location, and I'll even move you, you'd probably be ready to go. The readiness occurs because the change is desirable, doable, and easily attainable. The secret to becoming a non-smoker is having a clear path that takes you quickly, easily, and painlessly to a desirable relationship with yourself and your life, and naturally supports you in the pleasure of being smoke-free. You can force your own path, or be guided along the path that has led thousands of smokers to become non-smokers. The choice is yours! My "No More Butts" system has been used by thousand of people to help them permanently become non-smokers. This program has been adopted by the U.S. Military, government agencies, and companies world wide to help employees break the detrimental cigarette habit. If this program sounds like it is what you, or someone dear to you has been waiting call my office at 1-800-322-UWIN (8946) to find more about this system. Stop The Insomnia Do you experience difficulty falling asleep at night on a regular basis? If so, you are not alone. Research has shown that 1 out of every 4 adults over the age of 20 experiences a habitual form of sleep disorder commonly known as insomnia. If you are one of those people who find yourself awake all night trying to get to sleep, then reading this article may help put some of your concerns to rest ( I hope it does not literally put you to sleep!) Remember that from a successful investor's point of view, insomnia due to financial stresses and worries is counter productive and stems from a mindset of scarcity, of having high consumer debt positions an insecurity in one's own abilities to permanently improve one's financial situation. Let's get started! First of all, no one was born an insomniac. For some considerable length of time in your life, sleeping was very natural, very easy, and you were able to "sleep like a baby." Then came a point of time when, for a variety of reasons which I will explain later, you experienced an inability to fall asleep when you wanted. This event became significant in some way and, after reputing the experience of being unable to sleep over and over again, you conditioned yourself with the insomnia patter (trying hard to get uninterrupted sleep without success) to the point where it became familiar and habitual. The ability to sleep is not something we learn consciously and do subconsciously (such as riding a bike, playing the piano, typing etc.), but rather something that we do subconsciously only without conscious interference. The subconscious mind is already an expert on how to sleep from day one, so "trying to go to sleep" is like telling Albert Einstein you're going to help him do math. You might ask, "Since the subconscious mind naturally knows how and when the body and mind needs sleep, then what stops it from performing it's natural function?" That's a good question. The subconscious mind is very responsible and tends to operate from the message, signal, or program that has the greatest intensity and frequency, even if it's not natural or real. What this means is that you can override your natural tendency to sleep with programming and stimuli that eventually become as natural and automatic as sleep. Just as someone can learn to do something as unnatural as smoking and enjoy it (smokers, "remember that first cigarette" yuck!), one can also become habituated with sporadic sleep. In order to become a habituated insomniac, you must first override your innate need for sleep with something more physically stimulating (coffee, cigarettes, sugar, etc.), or emotionally stimulating (fear, anxiety, anger, love, anticipation, lust, etc.) and then do it with frequency and repetition. This is the formula for consistent insomnia. If you already know how to go "Sleepless in Seattle" or anywhere else in the world, then here are some tips and techniques for getting some Z's on a regular basis. The first key is to reduce or eliminate the program that is overriding your natural sleep programming. If you've experienced some type of traumatic, event(s), you may have made a decision at the time and built in a protection program that subconsciously suggested that you need to stay awake so that nothing bad would happen. By using self-hypnosis and suggesting that it is all right to relax and let go, you might be able to change the protection programming. You might also want to learn and experience some age regression techniques in order to heal the trauma. By reducing or eliminating stimulants such as coffee, sugar, nicotine, tea, etc., you will also obviously increase the likelihood of sleep. The second key is to stop reacting to the thought of not sleeping. The more you try to fix the problem of no sleep, the more you exacerbate the problem. The strange paradox is that as soon as you notice that you are falling asleep (which you are desperately trying to do), you instantly awaken yourself. It is also important to let go of your belief about how many hours of sleep you need, and know that whatever amount of sleep you get is the right amount. Know that you can always rise to the occasion, perform as you need to, and that everything happens for a reason. Remember that there has never been a documented case of a person dying from actual lack of sleep... but many people have brought on death or malady by needlessly worrying about their insomnia. Sleep Well. Here are Seven Powerful Step-by Step Techniques to Enable You to Sleep with Ease - Make a list of the things you need to do.
- Make a list of decisions you need to make.
- Take 10 minutes before you sleep to analyze and weigh your choices.
- Mentally turn over the responsibility for resolving your decisions and conflicts to an intelligence independent of your critical/analytical mind (i.e. subconscious mind, higher self, God, spiritual guides, Mother Nature, etc.).
- Perform a physical act/ritual that affirms a resolution and allows you to let go of the worry (i.e. verbal affirmation, prayer, burning fears on paper, etc.).
- Do self-hypnosis, relax yourself, and affirm your self-appreciation and self-acceptance.
- Declare when you intend to awaken and affirm that you'll have the right amount of sleep, even if it's not what you expected.